Monday, October 6, 2014

One for All, All for One

Hello! This topic will probably the hardest to tackle up until now, but please bear with me. We'll be diving into economic systems this time around.

Currently, we have a flawed version of Capitalism, which is gonna blow up if nothing is done. So... what is wrong about it?

Ideally, capitalism is not a bad system. It incentivizes people to produce more work by rewarding them with more resources (you work more, you get more $$$). The problem is, it brings out the worst of people: each one cares only about himself. Some people don't mind to run down others just for a few $$$.
Furthermore, this frenetic rhythm where everyone is pushed to produce more and more takes a lot of people beyond their breaking point: some give up, some do even worse.

This doesn't seem that bad... yet. I'll let a picture to say a thousand words about how capitalism is currently working.

World's Wealth Distribution

Do you really think the richest work that much? No comments.

As always: what is the alternative?

A lot of people say Communism doesn't work because it does not properly reward people for working more, so they will work the least they can and the system falls apart. And they are right.

With people's current mindset, communism doesn't work, just in the same way that democracy is pointless while most people believe that one of the candidates was chosen by god. It requires a shift in people's way of thinking. It requires everyone to understand we all win with everyone's work. It requires union, dedication for a common cause. And that, we can archieve!

Everyone could have resources for a comfortable life. No more unemployment and suffering. No more being a slave of the system.

For freedom! One for All, All for One!

What is your opinion? Can we make it?